These are not defined in M1 to further monitor the additional task as well as the migration process. 这些没有在M1定义,进一步监控附加任务以及迁移流程。
In its most generic form, resource monitoring lets you monitor a resource and initiate a predefined task when a trigger condition has been met. 资源监控最常见的形式是监控一个资源并在触发器条件满足时启动预定义的任务。
The WS-Transaction specification provides the means to monitor the reliability of each individual task that must be completed in a larger process. WS-Transaction规范提供了监控必须在更大的流程中完成的每个单独任务的可靠性的方法。
Autonomic computing daemon ( db2acd): Hosts the health monitor, automatic maintenance utilities, and the administrative task scheduler. Autonomiccomputingdaemon(db2acd):驻留健康状态监视程序、自动维护实用程序和管理任务调度程序。
The Visual Explain tool can be used on SQL statements in a monitor collection by right-clicking on a monitor and selecting the Show Statements task. 可以在一个监视器集合中,通过右键单击一个监视器并选择ShowStatements任务,在SQL语句上应用VisualExplain工具。
Development managers can monitor the contributions of developers in the bullpen or on a different continent relative to task assignments and methodology. 开发经理能够监控与任务分配和方法相关的开发人员的贡献-在候补区,或者不同的地方。
As you attempt to monitor and tune inserts, the basic task is no different from that of most other performance analysis: identify what the bottleneck is and deal directly with it. 当您试图监视和调优insert时,基本任务跟大多数其他的性能分析没什么不同:找出瓶颈所在,然后直接处理瓶颈。
Those of us who try to monitor these population trends face a complicated task. 而我们这些想要监测野生马族群的科学家,也面临了艰困的挑战。
Network flow monitor is the major task of network security management, and is an important side of scaling network performance entirely. 网络流量监控是网络安全管理的重要内容,是全面衡量网络性能的重要方面。
You can monitor the status of steps2and3in the task status pane. 您可以在“任务状态”窗格中监视步骤2和3的状态。
Developed "the enterprise risk monitor and safety management early-warning system" of B/ S mode, establish enterprise safety website, and design and manufacture the computer automatic monitor system& coal mine gases examination task follow and intelligence management system. 研制了B/S模式的企业风险监控与安全管理预警系统,建立了企业安全网站,并设计、制造了计算机自动监测系统&煤矿瓦斯检测作业跟踪与智能管理系统。
Deploy the MDS, which can monitor the real-time nodes information of the hardware, task queue status, data transmission and the list of service in the containers. 部署实验室内部网格监控与发现系统,目前可以达到对结点硬件状态信息、任务队列状态信息、数据传输状态信息和结点网格服务容器中服务列表信息的实时监控功能。
To monitor cluster system efficiently, an easy and feasible parallel task model based on message passing interface ( MPI) is constructed. 为了有效地监控集群系统,基于消息传递接口(messagepassinginterface,MPI)并行库构建一个简单易行的并行任务模型。
The paper introduces the basic structure and the main functions and features about the computer software analysis system of locomotive axle temperature monitor, and provides several typical task interfaces or diagnosis about this software. 介绍了机车轴温监测装置计算机软件分析系统的基本结构,较详细地论述了系统的主要功能特点,同时给出了软件的几个典型工作界面或诊断内容。
This paper focus more attention on design and implementation of monitor probes, the construction of probes, software layer 、 monitor task 、 deployment 、 task schedule 、 protocol analysis procedure, metric storage and sending etc. 论文在介绍系统实现相关指标的基础上,重点描述了监测探针的设计与实现,包括探针的软件结构、监测任务与配置接收、监测任务调度、协议分析过程、指标存储与发送等。
The monitor and orientation of the radio is a crucial task of the management of the radio. 无线电监测测向是无线电频谱管理工作中的一个重要任务。
Design and achieve the data of hygienic monitor system The principal task of hygienic monitor system is to deal with a large amount of data and obtain the required information. 设计和实现卫生监测系统的数据库。卫生监测系统的主要任务就是处理大量的数据以获得所需要的信息。
The station system comprises signal receiver board and monitor program, its task is to storage data, control status and send instruction. 水上分机包括数据接收卡和综合显控程序两部分,完成数据储存、状态监控、命令发送等功能。
Those guarantee that project management systems could efficiently manage and monitor task flow in the course of virtual enterprise running to lead projects to go with a swing. 从而保证了系统对虚拟企业运行过程中的任务流进行正确的管理与监控,使项目顺利进行。
Real-time monitor is a multiple task, parallel real-time controlling monitoring program. It is also a multiple real-time processing system. 实时Monitor是一个多任务并行实时控制的监督程序,也是一个多任务实时处理系统。
The platform consists of exchange control module, format management module, intelligent routing module, affair management module, front-bank monitor module, task management module, system monitor module, main system control module, general front-bank module and terminal communication module etc. 平台中包括交换主控模块、格式管理模块、智能化路由模块、事务管理模块、前台管理与监控模块、任务管理模块、系统监控管理模块、系统主控台模块、通用前置模块和终端通信模块等。
By means of UML class chart and sequence chart, the author describes the implementation of the main function modules in Information Exchange Platform, including site monitor, task schedule, system initialization, log management, message management, data transmission, and etc. 采用UML类图和顺序图描述了信息交换平台主要功能模块的实现,包括:站点监控、任务调度、系统初始化、日志管理、消息处理、数据传输等。
So it is not only to enrich the evidence theory, but also to instruct justice practice to research the application of secret monitor evidence as an academic task. 因而将秘密监听证据适用问题作为一个课题加以研究,不但可以丰富证据理论,为秘密监听证据的立法提供理论支持;而且可以指导司法实践,维护司法统一。
In this paper, a kind of intelligent control terminal using yield monitor and variable rate task based on CAN bus was developed. 开发了一套基于CAN总线的能够实现产量监测和变量作业功能的智能控制终端。
Based on it, we used PCI and PC as control core and designed peripheral input and output drive circuit, using two-axle sensor and optoelectronic encoder to realize real-time monitor task of the ironing plat in the hardware. 在硬件上采用PCI卡和PC机作为控制核心,并对外围输入、输出驱动电路进行了设计,通过使用双轴传感器和光电编码器实现熨平板的实时监测功能,完成了自动调平控制系统的设计。
Among diverse strategies, meta-cognitive strategy is regarded as a higher-level one, which applies meta-cognitive knowledge consciously to plan, monitor, manage and evaluate the learning task. 在众多的学习策略中,元认知策略是一种较高层次的策略,它指有意识地使用元认知知识对学习任务进行合理地计划、安排、监控、调节和评价。
The sensor nodes are capable of data gathering, data processing, wireless communication and self-organization, and finish complex monitor task by collaboration. 节点一般具有数据采集、处理、无线通信和自动组网的能力,节点之间互相协作完成复杂的监测任务。
Youth leadership reflects comprehensive ability of teenagers, which means good organization ability, and monitor the execution of task better. 青少年领导力是一种综合能力的体现,是指有很好的组织才能,并能监督任务的执行。
Meanwhile, students should direct their attention on those key points in listening-the key words in sentences and the discourse markers in passages, select and implement listening comprehension strategies to monitor their comprehension and the completion of listening task. 同时,学生应将注意力集中在句中关键词和话语标记语等关键点上并选择和执行听力理解策略来监控理解和听力任务的完成情况。
Deformation monitoring is an important way to monitor the deformation safe or not, the main task is to obtain the deformation information by deformation monitoring, then analysis the deformation information and judge the security situation of deformable body. 变形监测是监测形变体安全与否的重要手段,其主要任务是通过变形监测获取变形信息,然后对变形信息进行分析,对变形体的安全状况作出判断。